Tuesday, February 15, 2011

He is not silent, and does not mind repeating Himself

I am so thankful to have a Lord and Savior that is so patient as a good parent is to their little children.  Sometimes I think we get to expect so much of our kids as we know their potential, and often take it personally I think when they show their childishness. 
Today I have again been made aware that the simple things I have been asked to do by God apart from praying and seeking Him daily with my whole heart, and reading His Word daily as part of that seeking, have not changed, and He is still waiting patiently on me to try Him at His Word.
I am blessed to be part of a great body of believers at my home church, and staff that always has at their heart the soul of both believer and unbeliever alike. Clayton, Anthony and Brad all strive to approach each service like it is the last time we may be together this way, and with our praise and worship, and teaching of God's Word, if this is the last time we have a chance to dedicate or rededicate our lives to the service of Jesus Christ, and to find Him in the least of these that life brings our way daily, we can offer ourselves wholly, and look forward to hearing, "Well done, enter into the joy of your Master".
Today I have been invited to attend afuneral by a dear friend, who I do not regularly speak to or visit these past few years, but if we are together, it is as if no time has passed from the days we spoke daily, and often saw each other daily. His son has passed on to eternity at age 31, so young, but having lived a lifetime in those 31 years.  My friend is the first soul I and another believer could identify as having made a decision to make Christ Lord and Savior of their life due to our witness, and seeing God make and mold him as He wished, with spiritual gifts, and talents, and take a man and make him into a vessel used by the Master's hand frequently, generous and compassionate, having been allowed to lead his own father to the Lord and be a blessing to many others, lets me approach this day of having a father say goodbye to his son with a bit less sorrow and tears than many other days. This father showed his son Christ in offering a home and stability and loving kindness in the face of rejection and rebellion, and never stopped trying to love his son to the foot of the cross of Christ. I am blessed to call him friend, and spirtual brother, my little child in Christ I have been blessed with.

I believe our life is to be a life of obedience, simply, and that we should measure our days by how our walk with Jesus was that day, not what we see, or hear or feel, but just resting in obedience. Resting in obedience is peace giving, as also is resting in being content with what our Lord has given us in our walk on this planet of His Creation. When we rest in our Father's supply, we do not covet, and have no sin in our life, just as Christ did during His walk on this dirt circle we call Earth.

What a calling, to the peace of Christ that passes all understanding, and that allows us to be called Brother by the Son of God! 

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