Having been lonely before at times in this life, and without the comfort of friends, I recall the feelings of peace and contentment found in the embrace of having a small, purring animal about 2 inches from my face, also at peace and content in the arms of their owner, and often the memories of Puff, Smokee, Tigger, Jasmine, Amber, Pepper, Sparky, Chicago, Momma Puss, or Zoey, is often to bring the tears flowing, as I also have been the last one they have seen on this earth before being released from the end of life struggle that so often seems to come to these little ones, and that last exhale , peaceful as they enter into the rest of their Creator, in the place He has prepared for these beasts He made for our and His own pleasure.
As I gaze into the eyes of Zoey, and once again, rest in the peace and warmth of unconditional surrender from this little beast that so often frustrates me by running off when I wish to hold and cuddle him, but on these moments post shower, he comes to that place of familiar encounter, and is willing to be held close, knowing that safety is certain, and soft words and snuggles are always in order.
In these moments, I pray that my Creator and Lord, might see the same contentment and lack of struggle in His little child Thomas, on those moments when we are face to face, hopefully early in the morning, and during the rest of my day as well, as I seek moment to moment to take thoughts and words captive to the mind of Christ, that I might walk like Jesus walked, never grieving or quenching the Spirit, but in perfect obedience, choosing to put aside temptation for a cross, pleasure put aside for submission, and just resting in obedience, the accepting gaze of my Father and peace of Christ giving me a heart to take on the role of servant , ready to encounter the least of these in my daily walk to follow, and once again, glorify God by seeing the world as He sees it, as revealed in His Word, by His Son, The Word from before in the beginning, and the Lamb crucified from before the foundations of the earth.
As I marvel at the beauty of a small eight pound white and orange domestic house cat, how the pattern of his fur is so amazingly beautiful, and made with purpose, as any artist must first have an idea in their mind before putting said image onto the medium of choice, in this case, daughter's baby kitty, now 13 and not knowing when my last day will be to have this joy, I am moved to think of the joy God must have in His creatures, as we are told that not a sparrow falls but the very Creator of the Universe knows that little breath of life has left this world of fallen wonders and beauty, how much more must He love His Kids that in love were given the very Son of God in hopes of a spirit born again, to be made right through submission, and turning back to a loving Father, waiting for the sons and daughters to come running home.
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