Saturday, March 23, 2013

Why call Good Friday good?


In 2010 I had an opportunity to share with a recent addition to the Body of Christ 
a short explanation of just what is so good about Good Friday. 

My friend happens to have a birthday that fell on Good Friday that year, and wondered what all the fuss was about when I didn't wish her a happy birthday immediately when
finding out that this year Good Friday and her 16th birthday fell on the same day.

 I recalled Jonny Hart , the late roaring lamb who wrote the BC comic strip, who in
 past years, had poet Wiley penning these words under his favorite thinking tree:  

"Now who can call Good Friday good?
A term too oft misunderstood.
You who were bought by the blood of His cross,
You can call Good Friday good."

We born again believers who follow Jesus as Lord and call Him Savior are unique 
in the perspective we have for this particular 1 day that comes each Easter and
Passover season. 

How else can you describe the ultimate sacrifice of one man laying down his life for his
friends, when they are not yet identified as friends, let alone brothers and children of
the same Father, the Creator God of the Universe?  This Jesus, that the Bible tells us
on that first Good Friday asked His Father to forgive the ones who mocked and ridiculed
him while he died on a Roman execution stake rather than call 10,000 angels to destroy 
the world and set him free, or rain fire from Heaven, His eternal home shared with the 
other persons of the triune God, we honor on this Good Friday, and then proclaim on Resurrection Sunday, when the tomb empty to this day proclaims, He is alive, He is risen, He is risen indeed!  

This was a Friday when the disciples of Jesus must have wondered about the peace He
said was given to them.  His peace, not the peace that the world teases us with, a calm lack of trials and stress from time to time, but Christ's unique peace that passes all human understanding, apart from knowing the peace that comes from hearing "well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord" moment to moment knowing we are walking in obedience, not grieving or quenching the Spirit of God. 

This was a Good Friday, as the thief on the cross who asked to be remembered by Jesus, 
dying next to him, and was told that "today you will be with me in paradise".  What a great, Good Friday to know that we don't have to and cannot earn our way into God's favor and Heaven with good works, but only receive this free gift as a ragamuffin child, holding out dirty, empty hands to someone willing to take mercy on us and show grace to us in our weakness and need, this is indeed why we call this day Good Friday.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Finding God in the face of a pussycat?

One of the four legged residents of the Wright house is a 13 year old calico male puss named Zoey, as he is purest white and ginger orange, which made my daughter think of Elmo's friend, Zoey, the first time she saw "my baby pussycat".  He has a great pussinality, as I think all felines do, and one of those moments that almost always moves me is that as I am getting out of the shower, I am allowed to pickup Zoey and hold him on his back, like a baby, and he will not struggle to escape, but spends minutes gazing into the eyes and face of his master, much to my pleasure, somedays with a nose and lips that almost are clear, but most days, are bright pink, and we have a bit of quality time in the early Oklahoma morning.

Having been lonely before at times in this life, and without the comfort of friends, I recall the feelings of peace and contentment found in the embrace of having a small, purring animal about 2 inches from my face, also at peace and content in the arms of their owner, and often the memories of Puff, Smokee, Tigger, Jasmine, Amber, Pepper, Sparky, Chicago, Momma Puss, or Zoey, is often to bring the tears flowing, as I also have been the last one they have seen on this earth before being released from the end of life struggle that so often seems to come to these little ones, and that last exhale , peaceful as they enter into the rest of their Creator, in the place He has prepared for these beasts He made for our and His own pleasure.

As I gaze into the eyes of Zoey, and once again, rest in the peace and warmth of unconditional surrender from this little beast that so often frustrates me by running off when I wish to hold and cuddle him, but on these moments post shower, he comes to that place of familiar encounter, and is willing to be held close, knowing that safety is certain, and soft words and snuggles are always in order.

In these moments, I pray that my Creator and Lord, might see the same contentment and lack of struggle in His little child Thomas, on those moments when we are face to face, hopefully early in the morning, and during the rest of my day as well, as I seek moment to moment to take thoughts and words captive to the mind of Christ, that I might walk like Jesus walked, never grieving or quenching the Spirit, but in perfect obedience, choosing to put aside temptation for a cross, pleasure put aside for submission, and just resting in obedience, the accepting gaze of my Father and peace of Christ giving me a heart to take on the role of servant , ready to encounter the least of these in my daily walk to follow, and once again, glorify God by seeing the world as He sees it, as revealed in His Word, by His Son, The Word from before in the beginning, and the Lamb crucified from before the foundations of the earth.

As I marvel at the beauty of a small eight pound white and orange domestic house cat, how the pattern of his fur is so amazingly beautiful, and made with purpose, as any artist must first have an idea in their mind before putting said image onto the medium of choice, in this case, daughter's baby kitty, now 13 and not knowing when my last day will be to have this joy, I am moved to think of the joy God must have in His creatures, as we are told that not a sparrow falls but the very Creator of the Universe knows that little breath of life has left this world of fallen wonders and beauty, how much more must He love His Kids that in love were given the very Son of God in hopes of a spirit born again, to be made right through submission, and turning back to a loving Father, waiting for the sons and daughters to come running home.

I love Rich Mullins song "Growing Young", the word pictures painted by my favorite ragamuffin artist move me to tears every time I hear this, being the first song on the CD and first chapter of James Bryan Smith's devotional autobiography "An Arrow Pointing to Heaven", and one I listen to frequently, the chorus is lived out again, and one of the Father's big boys cries once again, brought to tears by emotion and passion of memories lived, and loves missed, whether a pussycat that has gone back to it's Creator, or a brother in Jesus who wrote and sang so much that our Father above speaks to each of His Children, whether through Rich's songs, or His Word, or His Creation, which we walk in the fallen remnants of, still marveling at sunsets and sunrises, lightening flashing across the sky, the smile of my wife or girls, or mom or dad, or even in the twitching whiskers of my kitty, drawing a deep breath and thanking my Lord and Creator for one last snuggle with that soft white fur, and that if this is my last day, I will strive to serve Him with my words and deeds, and be salt and light to a flat and darkened world, and relish the least of these that are brought to my life in the hours that may be my last, and a passion to give God the glory He deserves, and longing to hear "well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord".

Monday, April 2, 2012


I have a math equation that will change your life if you are up to the daily, moment by moment, challenge it asks of you.


Jesus Christ + nothing = everything

The next few days will offer some definitions of these five words and symbols, that I offer as a synopsis of the book of Galations that Paul was inspired to write to several small bodies of believers in what is now the central section of the country of Turkey, consisting of Antioch, Derbe, Listra, and others.  These assemblies were being confronted with corruption of Paul's simple gospel, and what true truth was had to be defended, as the original Gospel apologist did almost 2000 years ago.

Our challenge today is nothing less, and our adversary none less that the one the apostle faced then.

Join me please as we search the scriptures daily to see if the words of satan and his angels, who masquerade as ministers of light even today, are exposed by the very sword of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, just as the Bereans did, noted in Acts 17:11, as their standard of truth.

Peace of Christ to you on a sunny, hot, and likely stormy, Monday in April 2012.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Original DIGGIT article

Here is the original DIGGIT article I wrote in 2005 expanding on sermon notes taken during one of Pastor Timothy Paul Jones messages at First Bapt. Church Rolling Hills in Tulsa, OK

DIGGIT-Do I Glorify God In This?

I would like to propose a small modification to and a thorough answer to the question Christians and non-believers alike often ask themselves -What Would Jesus Do?

I believe a follow-up question is called for- Do I Glorify God In This? or ‘DIGGIT’. If we examine the life of Christ, I believe we will find this is how to be perfect as our Father is perfect, ref. Matthew. 5:44-48, and John 17:20-23, to be one with the Father as Jesus was, and we can truly "take up my cross and follow Him", as Jesus asked and commanded us to.  Jesus’ life was a life of perfect obedience, He never chose self over His Father’s wishes, and I as a Christian am asked to do no more, and no less. In Phillipians 2, Paul writes about this, as Christ humbled Himself and took on the form of a servent, obedient even to a death on a cross. I believe we are not asked by our Savior to do things we are unable to do, and that we are not equipped to do, the common adage "the devil made me do it" or "I am only human, I can't be like Jesus, I will sin", are cop-outs if we are to take the Word at His Word. If this is an honest answer, that obedience is all, but everything we are asked to do to follow Christ, which will give glory to God, the logical next question is "How do I know and discern what obedience is as I walk this earth during my life here?" In 1 John 2:6, we are told that "He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked." Instead of " What Would Jesus Do?" , I would like to encourage believers to ask 'What Did Jesus Do?' and that means to 'Walk Like Jesus Walked'.

If you do not currently have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, having had a specific time and place where you have made Him Savior and Lord of your life, asking that His finished, atoning death on account of His shed blood covering your sins, I would propose that John’s gospel be the starting point to discover what Jesus did, as He lived His live in obedience to His Father's Will, prefaced by a prayer, that God would give me wisdom and understanding of His Word, and if He is real, and this book is really His revelation to me, that He would reveal Himself and His Son, that I would know Him, honor Him, and give Him glory. After John’s gospel, follow with the rest of the New Testament and the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, to see how Jesus walked with and obeyed His Father on this earth and what believers in Christ are asked to obey, that we might glorify God, as our Father as Jesus did, and see that He and His Son are one, and both are God.

In addition to reading the Bible to discover God’s will and instruction for our lives, we are told that Jesus "as was his custom" spent daily time in prayer with His Father, and we are again, asked to do no more and no less than follow His example. Daily time in prayer, as a priority and necessity for our lives, will certainly glorify God. If we are reading the Word to see how we are called to live life on this earth, and praying daily , there may be a third thing we need to do to be obedient to God, and thus , give Him glory. That would be to obey anything He specifically reveals to us that we need to do, whether to witness to a certain person that is brought across our daily path, to pray for a certain person that He puts on our heart and mind during the course of our day, or whatever He reveals to us individually that we ourselves are asked to do.

The idea that all believers are called to full time Christian service, 24/7/365, whether we are on a paid ministry staff or in business for ministry purposes, or a stay at home mom or dad, or whatever our position in life is, answers another question-How can I glorify God doing what I do?? It would be easy if I were…….fill in the blank with Billy Graham, Steven Curtis Chapman, anyone who is recognized as a servant of God, serving Him daily through an obvious ministry. We are all called to a life of ministry, and cannot compartmentalize our lives into business, personal, and spiritual portions, we are called to a whole life to be lived Holy, set apart for God’s service and to glorify God in all aspects of our life, how we deal with our neighbor, our family, our co-workers, boss, etc, etc.

When we do not measure ourselves with other peoples ministries, or what it looks like they do for God, or how holy they are, but only are accountable for what God is asking of us, suddenly our lives in obedience are simplified. If we are reading the Word daily, spending time in prayer daily, living a life submissive to the Father’s wishes, not our own, and obeying any of the little things God has laid on our hearts that we need to do at this point and time in our life, we have nothing more to do to know that we glorify God, and are daily taking up our cross and following Jesus as we are commanded to do. I remind myself daily to be content resting in obedience, for there is nothing more to do than obey what we are asked to do.

I believe the cross was only one thing to Jesus- obeying what the Father asked of him, nothing more and nothing less, and in that perspective, we can do the same thing. We are not asked to offer our life as a sacrifice for the sins of many, as Christ was, but we are asked to obey what the Father asks of us, and that we can do. Praise God that He does not ask us to do what we cannot, or are not equipped to do, what kind of Father would ask his children to do that? We are told that God is a kind father, and will not give his children a stone when asked for bread, or a serpent when asked for a fish? The New Testament reveals God for the first time as His children’s Father, and then tells us what a good father is like. We are told to pray to "Our Father in heaven, hallowed or glorified to all who hear it, be Your name". Can you imagine the wonder, and stop dead in your tracks new paradigm this was for the hearers of this prayer? No longer striving to be worthy to be called Abraham’s child, as the upper crust of Jewish religiosity would prop their selves, but now as God’s own child! Now we are told to come to God as a little child, not a tither, not a law keeper, not someone with goods/things/treasures to offer God, but as a little child with needs we cannot meet ourselves, holding up open hands asking for what we never can obtain ourselves, and can never repay, that only can be given graciously and mercifully.

Jesus walked this earth and faced temptation in every way just as we are, and never quenched or grieved the Holy Spirit that dwealt in Him, and is promised to dwell in all believers following their new birth in Christ. Jesus walked in the fruit of the spirit and not in the desires of the flesh, and we are to walk in the same manner, as Galations 5:16-25 describes. Daily we should have these evidences in our life of our walk with Jesus and His Father. All believers are to have these evident and visible in their character and actions, they are not selectively given, like spiritual gifts.

When we walk in obedience, we are what we were created to be. I am greatly blessed to have a Godly wife, for whom I want to be a Godly husband, I want to be the Christ serving daddy my two girls need to show them faith and love in action, I want to be the loving son to my mom and dad, who raised me in a household of love and where the presence of God daily was in the midst of our life. I want to be the brother God made me to be, the uncle my niece and nephew and their children need to show Jesus to them, the brother in the Lord my church family needs, the co-worker my workplace needs to see honor Jesus every moment of every day in the stress and temptation of our American way of life, and so it goes. Instead of driving myself to tears or rage because of how intensely I wish to be all these things to all these people, when I glorify God by obedience, we just are all those things. If I could ask one thing of my Lord and Savior, it would be to walk in perfect obedience, taking every thought captive to the mind of Christ every second of every waking moment of this life. I would not have to worry about striving to balance these relationships of my life, and how to prioritize who I am, I would just be the child of God He made me to be, walking in the fruit of the Spirit, and knowing the peace of Christ every moment of my life. My scripture reference for this is Ephesians 1:3-5. Jesus never failed to be holy, setting Himself apart to serving the Father, and again, that is what we are asked to walk in daily. What a concept, to realize that when we are right with God in relationship, we will be right with those He puts in our daily walk, and Satan is defeated once again.

I believe the peace of Christ that He promises to give us is just this, that when we obey the Father in what He is asking of us, the rest of the concerns of the world cease to matter, if we know we are obedient, we are who God has made and called us to be. John 14:27 shares this promise from Jesus to the disciples, on the night when they were taught so many things, and shared His peace of oneness with the Father that comes from obedience with them. Without the need or temptation to worry about how other people respond or if they respond, and to resist Satan's lie that we judge our life's success on what others think or what other people do, or how they respond, our life is, and we just are, wholly His, and in that, we are all those things we want so badly to be, without having a struggle to equip ourselves or educate ourselves, we recognize that when we walk step by step, as Rich Mullins would write, " Step by step You lead me, and I will follow You all of my days". The confession, " Oh God, you are my God, and I will ever praise you", minute by minute is on our lips and heart and mind, and we rest in that obedience, knowing our Father is pleased, because He sees His obedient Son, Jesus, when He looks at our life. John 14: 15-18 says this again, as when we follow the commandments of Jesus, we are showing Him our love for and oneness with Him. Jesus gave comfort to those closest to Him, on the night He knew they would replay in their minds over and over again, recalling His words and promises to them, preparing them to walk without His physical presence, but to walk through the Comforter with Him for the rest of their lives, once it was revealed to them who was with them, and would never leave, nor forsake them.

We then are asked to love others the same way God loves us, by loving unconditionally, and forgiving when forgiveness is not due, but is given freely, again, because we are asked and commanded to do so, so that the God we serve is modeled and glorified to those we come in contact with here in our earthly walk. What a difference would be made in the world if believers in God and His son, Jesus Christ, lived that way-a life of obedience, giving God the glory He is worthy of and deserves, and that leads us back to What Would Jesus Do? He never did anything or said anything that did not give glory to His Father, and that is His call to us, I believe. It is a call to be answered, and that we can answer, as believers we can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us.

I believe the doing of all things strengthens us, as Philippians. 4:13 refers to, when we walk with Him, as well as being a checkpoint for us in our daily lives, if we find ourselves not doing all things, we are not in Christ, and need to repent, confess our sins, be refilled by the Holy Spirit, and continue the life of obedience we are called to, doing what Jesus would, glorifying God in all we do and don’t do, say and don’t say. If we will take every thought captive to the mind of Christ, as 2 Corinthians 10:5 calls us to, we will live a life that glorifies God. It is God’s will for us , and will cause revolution around us, turning the world upside down, as the first century church did, see Acts 17:6, they did nothing more, and nothing less than this-living a life that glorified God, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year, until being united with Him forever when we are called home by our Father to that place His Son has lovingly gone to prepare for us.

Now I believe the answer to the question WWJD is clear, DIGGIT?, and we can, it is our choice, and our Father's will that we make it so. 

So, WLJL-Walk Like Jesus Walked and peace of Christ to you.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How Is Your Walk Today?

Following another Tuesday evening delving into the book of Genesis with Chris and Philip, and working through Chapter 6, the story of God calling Noah to build an ark brought to my attention one constant comment I find repeated in these first 6 chapters of the Bible.

There are four people who are identified to have had the pleasure to "walk with God". 

The first two of these would be Adam and Eve, naked and unashamed, not only in front of each other, but in front of God, as they had the habit of walking in the evening with their Creator before the Fall . 

The third is Enoch, who we are told walked with God and then was not, for God took him.

The fourth is Noah, of whom it is said that Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, and that he walked with God.

As I have tried these past almost 5 months to daily walk with God, following Jesus and striving to take every thought captive to the mind of Christ, and asking that I might have the eyes of Christ, seeing those brought to my path as He would, and have the ears of Christ, to hear our Father's voice clearly, as well as the voices and sounds of those brought to my daily path, the feet of Christ to go wherever He was led by our Father, I have had some good minutes, moments, but far fewer than in retrospect I wish I did.

I have chosen to sit, sleep, relax, entertain myself, eat myself into a catfish coma, but to say that I have walked with God daily for more than moments at a time, or that I have pursued Him with a vengeance, or lived each day as if it were my last, or the last of those brought to my path, seeking to save those who are lost and dying, would be many things, but alas, not the truth.

I walked away from my job as the air export manager this spring, waking up on 01April, a Friday morning, to begin a journey in which I have as one of my daily pursuits to walk with God, seeking Him with my whole heart, and asking Him to draw me close to Him, and that I would obey quickly what His asks of me.  What I have found is that, at least for this 52 year old, once again, even though I am rarely the follower of Jesus I tell my Father I am going to be, He is always there every time I turn back to him, waiting to see me through, He don't ask why it took so long, He just says welcome back my little one, every time I turn.

My family and I recently watched the movie 'UP' again, and more often I am like Dug, easily distracted from the task at hand, and immediately at the sighting of a 4 legged bushy tailed rodent, the good intentions of the waking moments of the day are turned to distraction as opposed to both hands on the plow, yoked to Jesus, who still calls me daily, all that are burdened and heavy laden, come to the Man of No Reputation, who offers rest and abundant life, if you will only come and follow, walking with Him wherever the path may lead.

Only Enoch was to have a life with no regrets it seems, it must be good to be Enoch, taken without tasting death on this earth to walk with his Lord always.  Adam and Eve must have walked with the Lord following getting chased from the Garden of Eden, as their child Abel knew how to bring a lamb to God, offering shed blood to atone for his sin. Don't you know that was a lesson to never forget, having mom and dad show you the skins that were provided by their Creator after their own weak efforts to hide death and sin with works of their own hands?  I bet those aprons of leaves were also at hand, as a reminder, also never forgotten, that even though their walk with God would never be the same as before, with death now daily present in their dying bodies? Where grace was not needed originally, being naked and unashamed and pure and perfect as made, now thanksgiving and praise and worship were offered at the direction of their Lord.  God in His grace had supplied a covering for their shame and shown the proper way to come to Him through the blood of a lamb. 

Today, no current praise or worship song moves me like The Revelation Song, based on descriptions found in the last book of the Bible, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, about the scene revealed to John the Revelator taking place in Heaven, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is and is to come. With all creation I sing, praise to the King of Kings, He is my everything, and I will adore Him. Worthy is the  Lamb who was slain, holy, holy is He, sing a new song, to Him who sits on Heavens mercy seat.

Day by day, I get up, and thank God for another chance to choose to walk with Him, following the example given by His Son, who moment by moment, also chose to walk with Him, day by day, forsaking the world to seek and save those that are lost. 

That is our call as the body of Christ today, to walk like Jesus walked, in obedience to His Father's call and direction.  Jesus died and rose again so that we may have life and life abundant, walking as He did, with our Father.  When we follow this call, we identify with those who walked before us with their Creator and Lord, whether Adam or Eve or Enoch or Noah.  And one day, just as Enoch was found to be not on this earth, for God took him, we are told that in the twinkling of an eye, we will meet Jesus in the sky, to be forever in His presence. 

Let us encourage each other and share the true truth given us and revealed through Holy Scripture, that mankind is sinful totally, but thank God that Jesus saves and makes old things new, and desires a personal walk daily moment by moment with us.  We are declared His workmanship, created for good works that are already established for us to walk in, and are called to be salt and light in a dark and dying world, this is our hope, built on nothing less than the finished work of Jesus Christ and the blood He shed on the cross, covering our death and sin, just as in a garden thousands of years ago, when a real Adam and real Eve were shown their Father loved them just where they were, and loved them too much to leave them there, but supplied a lamb, declaring for all to see, worthy is the Lamb that was slain, holy, holy is He!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Will Seek You In The Morning?

I have just rediscovered a bit of the joy of my first love, how great it is to start my day on my face, rejoicing that God has chosen to let me have another day on this planet He created in the Milky Way galaxy.

Loving to sleep in, and being a night owl too, always trying to squeeze in another task or read the next page or chapter, does not lend itself to living life as bounding out of bed daily, as 260 lbs generally just doesn't bound, but that is a work in progress (thanks to the treadmill I now plugged in by the freezer in our garage, having icy pops available within arms reach in the Oklahoma summer is a lovely thing!)

Several years ago in my Christian walk, I was struggling with when to schedule my daily quiet time, and the immediate answer to my prayer was for radio station to break out in Rich Mullin's Sometimes by Step.  The familiar chorus "I will seek You in the morning, and I will learn to walk in Your ways, step by step you lead me, and I will follow You all of my days", to which my immediate response was like Indiana Jones seeing the snakes in aircraft as we were introduced to Indy's phobia of snakes early on, "Morning?!? I hate getting up early , and even more trying to read and absorb early in the day, what a sense of humor our Creator has. 

Now , my favorite time with my Lord is in the shower, reminding me that Christ's finished work on the Cross has made me clean indeed, as I have bowed my knee and asked Him to be Savior and Lord, the Lord part coming on 01JAN1989 , following the Savior profession at the age of 6 .  I kneel in the warm comfort of water massaging tired, almost 52 yr old neck and upper back muscles, and profess how thankful that my standing with my Lord is not based on my ability to perform, but a free gift, that I cannot buy, earn, or deserve, but is graciously given, even at a time when I was not called friend of God, but one who like Peter, denied Him daily.

Today, I am reminded of Rich and Beaker, sitting together I am sure , under the starry night or hundred in a grassy place in Kansas, loving their Creator and wondering at the words and chords coming into this world for the first time, and am thankful that I can offer their efforts to my Lord as my own " and I will follow you all of my days, I will follow you all of my days, and step by step You lead me, and I will follow you all of my days", that is my prayer, moment by moment, to walk like Jesus did, step by step where He saw His Father at work in the lives of whoever was brought to a daily path in a place where the same stars shone one night upon the baby in a manger, Creator of our Universe, coming to offer a chance to be clean to any who will bow the knee, and confess, Oh God, you are my God, and I will ever praise You. 

Some day I will sing this with Rich and other brothers and sisters in Jesus, and hear a hammered dulcimer once again in the hands of a ragamuffin, brought to praise by the awesome, furious, raging fury we call the Love of God.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Passover dinner with my Master?

Today I continue the step by step process of beginning a ministry that I pray God will make my primary source of sustaining my family, and if not, it will be a part time passion for the rest of my life, not a sometime or spare time hobby as I have lazily pursued at my leisure these past 7 years.

As I am moment to moment seeking strength and renewal as I have some good 15 minute spans, maybe a good hour now and them, but daily, I am still not giving my whole self in seeking the Lord I say I want to serve, and get so easily distracted it makes me crazy at times.  In those moments, trying to get the slot car back on the track and off the carpet, I love to read the 6 chapters in John's Gospel that take us from when Jesus washed the feet of those gathered with him that night for the Passover meal to when they departed for the garden to pray.

So many things taught in those short hours, how thankful I am that this is part of what God providentially inspired to be recorded as Holy Scripture, when I struggle, and know I have a battle facing me that I am not feeling up to fight, I get an unearthly calm in my self after meditating on these verses.

I believe the peace of Christ that He promises to give us is just this, that when we obey the Father in what He is asking of us, the rest of the concerns of the world cease to matter, if we know we are obedient, we are who God has made and called us to be. John 14:27 shares this promise from Jesus to the disciples, on the night when they were taught so many things, and shared His peace of oneness with the Father that comes from obedience with them. Without the need or temptation to worry about how other people respond or if they respond, and to resist Satan's lie that we judge our life's success on what others think or what other people do, or how they respond, our life is, and we just are, wholly His, and in that, we are all those things we want so badly to be, without having a struggle to equip ourselves or educate ourselves, we recognize that when we walk step by step, as Rich Mullins would write, " Step by step You lead me, and I will follow You all of my days". The confession, " Oh God, you are my God, and I will ever praise you", minute by minute is on our lips and heart and mind, and we rest in that obedience, knowing our Father is pleased, because He sees His obedient Son, Jesus, when He looks at our life.

John 14: 15-18 says this again, as when we follow the commandments of Jesus, we are showing Him our love for and oneness with Him. Jesus gave comfort to those closest to Him, on the night He knew they would replay in their minds over and over again, recalling His words and promises to them, preparing them to walk without His physical presence, but to walk through the Comforter with Him for the rest of their lives, once it was revealed to them who was with them, and would never leave, nor forsake them.

We then are asked to love others the same way God loves us, by loving unconditionally, and forgiving when forgiveness is not due, but is given freely, again, because we are asked and commanded to do so, so that the God we serve is modeled and glorified to those we come in contact with here in our earthly walk. What a difference would be made in the world if believers in God and His son, Jesus Christ, lived that way-a life of obedience, giving God the glory He is worthy of and deserves, and that leads us back to What Would Jesus Do? He never did anything or said anything that did not give glory to His Father, and that is His call to us, I believe. It is a call to be answered, and that we can answer, as believers we can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us.

I believe the doing of all things strengthens us, as Phillipians. 4:13 refers to, when we walk with Him, as well as being a checkpoint for us in our daily lives, if we find ourselves not doing all things, we are not in Christ, and need to repent, confess our sins, be refilled by the Holy Spirit, and continue the life of obedience we are called to, doing what Jesus would, glorifying God in all we do and don’t do, say and don’t say. If we will take every thought captive to the mind of Christ, as 2 Corinthians 10:5 calls us to, we will live a life that glorifies God. It is God’s will for us , and will cause revolution around us, turning the world upside down, as the first century church did, see Acts 17:6, they did nothing more, and nothing less than this-living a life that glorified God, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year, until being united with Him forever when we are called home by our Father to that place His Son has lovingly gone to prepare for us.